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Range Management
Management Notes
Brush Sculptors: Innovations for Tailoring Brushy Rangelands to Enhance Wildlife Habitat and Recreational Value
An overview of brush sculpting principles
Applied landscaping: a primer for Brush Sculptors
Balancing brush management needs: the big picture
Basal stem spray method for controlling brush
Biological management of brush
Brush as an integral component of wildlife habitat
Brush Busters: the precursor to Brush Sculptors
Brush management and its impact on land value
Brush management efforts in Shackelford County
Brush sculpting for nongame birds
Brush Sculptors: an appreciation for brush?
Chemical methods: soil-applied techniques
Designing shrubland landscapes to optimize habitat for white-tailed deer
Factors to consider when sculpting brush: chemical methods
Factors to consider when sculpting brush: mechanical methods
Fifty years of brush sculpting on Chaparrosa Ranch
Half-cutting mesquite trees to enhance loafing cover for quail
Juniper ecology
Leaf sprays for individual plant treatment brush control
Managing brush and maintaining habitat for endangered species
Mesquite ecology
Mixed brush ecology
Native brush establishment on rangeland for wildlife
Oak ecology
Overview of brush control and management on the Melton Ranch
Pricklypear ecology
Propagating / Re-establishing brush to improve habitats
Sculpting brush for upland game birds
Sculpting brush to enhance wildlife habitat: economic and financial considerations
Sculpting Illustrations
Tailoring rangelands to enhance wildlife habitat: The Welder Wildlife Refuge Experience
The Flying G Ranch: a success story for brush sculpting
Using fire for sculpting brush
Why does brush dominate our rangelands?
Juniper Ecology and Management
Biology and ecology of Ashe juniper
Biology and ecology of redberry juniper
Brush Busters: A program to market tactical brush management technology to landowners
Cedar through the eyes of wildlife
Commercial value of juniper on the Edwards Plateau, Texas
Current research on redberry juniper at Texas Tech University
Economic considerations in Ashe juniper control
Economics of redberry juniper control in the Rolling Plains
Ecophysiology and growth of Ashe and redberry juniper
Elevated chaining of juniper
Environmental and Economic Tradeoffs Associated with Vegetation Management on the Edwards Plateau
Environmental and Land Use Changes: A Long-term Perspective.
Estimating Ashe juniper leaf area from tree and stem characteristics
Holistic perspective on juniper
How an increase or reduction in juniper cover alters rangeland hydrology
Improving the efficacy of goating for biological juniper management
Juniper burning at Texas Tech
Juniper control and management
Juniper management in the Edwards Plateau: Policy issues and options
Long-term importance of grazing, fire and weather patterns on Edwards Plateau vegetation change
The role of grazing management in overcoming juniper
Two least-cost and effective Ashe juniper control case studies
Result Demonstration
Brush Sculptors
Risk Management
Risk Management Series
Grazing Mistakes
Weed and Brush Mistakes
Water for Texans
Rancher’s Reference Guide
Common Conversions
Livestock Husbandry
Grazing Management
Rangeland Weed and Brush Control
Seeding Rangeland
Suggested Additional References
Brush Busters
Leaf Spray Method
Spot Spray Method
Top Removal Method
How to Estimate Costs for Controlling Small Cedar
Cut Stumps
Cut Stump Spray for Hardwood Species
Cut Stump Spray for Redberry Cedar
Leaf Spray Method
Stem Spray Method
Macartney Rose
Leaf Spray Method
Leaf Spray Method
Stem Spray Method
How to Estimate Cost for Controlling Mesquite
Pad or Stem Spray Method
Top Removal Method
How to Estimate Costs for Controlling Pricklypear
Leaf Spray Method
Stem Spray Method
Leaf Spray Method
Stem Spray Method
Herbicide + Oil Whorl Spray
Undiluted Whorl Spray
Plant Identification
Plants that Contaminate Wool & Mohair in Texas
Wildlife Management
Game Management
Woody Plants for Wildlife
Non-game Management
Damage Management
Professional Societies
Sculpting Illustrations
Posted on
September 14, 2010
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