Stem Spray Method

Works Best:
For relatively young trees or older ones with few basal stems in sparse stands. This method is also known as the low-volume, basal-stem treatment technique. Research and demonstrations have shown excellent results using minimum amounts of herbicide.

When to Apply:
Any time during the year, although best results occur during the spring-summer-fall growing season.

1. Prepare Equipment
Almost any type of pump-up hand sprayer can be used, but the most efficient way to treat large numbers of trees is with a backpack sprayer. Make sure the sprayer’s nozzle has a small orifice (such as a the Conejet™ 5500-X1 adjustable cone nozzle). Compared to standard nozzles, this nozzle can reduce the amount of spray applied by 80 percent, making the use of chemicals much more cost effective.

2. Mix Herbicide with Diesel
A mixture of the herbicide Remedy™ and diesel fuel is very effective for this method. Diesel is a coating and penetrating agent; it ensures that the herbicide covers the plant and is readily absorbed. Remedy™ is not a restricted-use pesticide, thus no license is required to purchase it.

Pour the required amount of Remedy™ into the mixing container, then add diesel fuel to bring the mixture to the total volume desired. Agitate the mixture vigorously.

Multi-stemmed tallowtree plants are much more difficult to control by this method than younger trees or undisturbed plants.

Recommended Stem Spray mixture using diesel fuel oil as the carrier:

Stem % Remedy™ Amount/gallon mixed
Smooth bark 15% 19 oz.
Rough bark 25% 32 oz.

3. Spray the Tallowtree
Stem applications are effective anytime of the year, but the best time is during the growing season when temperatures are high.

Be sure to adjust the sprayer nozzle to deliver a narrow, cone-shaped mist. Spray the mixture lightly but evenly on the plant’s stem or trunk from the ground line to 12 inches above the ground. Apply the mixture to all sides of every stem, but not to the extent that the spray runs off the stem and puddles.

Keep these points in mind:

  • Follow herbicide label directions.
  • The cost of treatment escalates rapidly as the brush becomes more dense or the number of basal stems per plant increases.
  • Multiple-stemmed plants and rough-barked plants are more difficult to control with this method.
  • Do not spray when the basal stems are wet.
  • After mixing herbicide with diesel, shake or agitate the solution vigorously.
  • This method is less efficient if there is dense grass around basal stems.
  • The 15 percent misture of Remedy™ and diesel fuel also can be used as a “cut stump” treatment. Cut off the tallowtree stems and spray the stumps immediately. Wet the cut surface and the bark thoroughly with the herbicide mixture.