Plants that Contaminate Wool & Mohair in Texas

Cocklebur Horehound Burclover
Sandbur, grassbur Texas Wintergrass Threeawn, needlegrass
Beggar’s lice, wild carrot Beggar’s lice, Bristly scaleseed Hedgeparsley
Bedstraw Burrograss Stickleaf
Other plants contaminate wool and in local circumstances. Sticky foxtail (Setaria adhaerans) is a weedy grass in gardens and along field edges oftern more troublesome to woolly pet than range animals. Stickseeds(Lappula echinata, L. redowskii and Hackelia spp.) are potentially problem species, but like sticky foxtail are not widespread in sheep and goat rangeland. Greenbriar (Smilax bona-nox) stems may become entangled in mohair, causing more problems to the survival of the animal than to the contamination of mohair. Devil’s claw (Probiscidea louisianica) is common to waterlots, old fields and trampled out areas. Its hooked pods can become badly entangled in wool and mohair. Devil’s claw is an annual easily controlled by chopping or pulling plants or spraying with herbicides prior to pod maturity.
For herbicide information please refer to B-1466 Chemical Weed and Brush Control – Suggestions for Rangeland. Usually in the early growth stages 2, 4-D herbicides are effective. In the middle growth stages whem flowering starts, Grazon P+D® and Weedmaster® are more effective. After plants are mature and past flowering, herbicides are not effective.
R.Q. Landers, Jr.
Extension Range Specialist
Texas AgriLife Extension Service

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