Approximate Peak Water Requirements:
- Cattle = 7 to 16 gallons/day
- Horses = 8 to 12 gallons/day
- Sheep and goats = 1 to 4 gallons/day
Approximate Gestation Periods:
- Cattle = 283 days
- Horses = 336 days
- Sheep = 148 days
- Goats = 151 days
Approximate Forage Intake Per Day:
- Sheep = 3.0 percent X body weight
- Goats = 4.0 percent X body weight
- Stocker cattle = 3.0 percent X body weight
- Dry cow = 2.0 percent X body weight
- Lactating cow = 2.5 percent X body weight
- Horse = 2.0 percent X body weight
Guide to Use of Saline Waters for Livestock
Minimum Weight and Age of Replacement Heifers
Livestock Nutrient Requirements
Body Condition and Expected Pregnancy Rate of Mature Cows
Average Composition of Common Feeds
Expected Shrink in Feeder Steers
Growth Implants