Category Archives: NatNotes
Where to Report Wildlife Sightings
Texas’ landowners, land managers, and outdoor enthusiasts always have their eyes and ears on Texas wildlife. But even if the time you spend in nature is just walking your kids to school, you will probably be lucky enough to see wildlife at some point in your day. Depending on where you live – urban or rural, Panhandle or Valley, Trans-Pecos or Piney Woods – common species that you typically see might include fox squirrels, mourning doves, or green anoles. Every so often though, you might see something… different!… Read More →
Scavengers of the Sky
Across the world there are 23 different vulture species, but only 2 reside within North America. The 2 species that reside in North America are the black vulture (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vulture (Cathartes aura). Turkey vultures can be found throughout most of the United States and all of Mexico with some distribution into southern Canada. Black vultures are found within Mexico and the southern United States with expansion into New York and the southern Midwestern states. If you are in an area with both black and turkey… Read More →
Wildlife Water Sources
When most people try to attract wildlife to their backyard or property, they think first of using food. But another valuable resource that can be used is water. Water can come in three different forms available to wildlife: free water, metabolic water, and preformed water. (For more information on these types of water, check out All About Water.) Of all three forms, landowners can easily use free water, such as lakes and rivers, to attract wildlife. If there is no standing water on your property, one of the… Read More →
Black Bears of Texas
If you ask most people whether black bears (Ursus americanus) reside in Texas, their answer will probably be no. However, the correct answer is, surprisingly, yes! Within Texas, black bears can be found in the southern part of the Trans-Pecos, the western Hill Country, the northern Panhandle, and far northeast Texas. Due to the small number of black bears within Texas, black bears are protected here, meaning it is illegal to hunt, trap, kill, or otherwise take them. If there is a problem black bear, you should contact… Read More →
How much water?
Edited by Dr. Bob Dittmar, Wildlife Veterinarian, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department The water needs of different wildlife species vary widely. Even within a species, an animal’s water needs may differ depending on climate, body size of the animal, reproductive status, and other factors. This is why the daily water intake of a particular species is usually given as a range of values. Below are some of the factors that can influence the specific water needs of a given animal. Physiology Different animals are adapted to different climates… Read More →
Quail on ice
Earlier this week, a post on the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch Facebook page featured a covey of bobwhites huddled up against the cold weather. This leads us to an excellent NatNotes topic: what do wildlife do when it’s cold? Across the rangelands of Texas, some critters are more familiar with cold than others. Most of the bobwhites in south Texas probably haven’t seen this much cold weather in a couple generations, while quail on the High Plains of the Panhandle experience freezing temperatures more regularly. So for… Read More →
All About Water
We’ve experienced some highs and lows and crazy weather in Texas the past few months. But, unfortunately for our rangelands, what we’ve been missing is rain! On Texas rangelands, drought is not an “if” but a “when” and “how long will it last.” So, while we always hope for rain in the forecast, it’s good to prepare for the driest scenario. This year, water will be a regular feature of TexNat posts. We’ll discuss how wildlife use water, how rain affects plant health and diversity, and how all… Read More →
Hunting as population management
Many hunters dream of harvesting a trophy buck. While people hunt for a variety of reasons, including food, tradition, spending time with family, connecting with nature, and seeking that trophy buck, the role of hunting in deer population management is sometimes overlooked. In particular, some hunters do not realize the importance of harvesting does to maintain balanced sex ratios. “Sex ratio” refers to a comparison of the number of males in a population to the number of females. As with most mammals, the sex ratio of white-tailed deer… Read More →
Notes about Nighthawks
What’s in a name? Although most wildlife names are pretty straightforward (white-tailed deer have white tails, northern bobwhites say their name), others can be misleading. This post is about nighthawks, which are fascinating birds that are not at all related to hawks! Unlike hawks, which are classified together with other large, diurnal birds of prey, nighthawks are part of a group of birds that eat insects and are most active at night. Other birds in the same family as nighthawks have equally fascinating names, including nightjar, chuck-will’s-widow, whip-poor-will,… Read More →
Notes about Rattlesnakes
Show of hands — who likes rattlesnakes? Many people who spend time on rangelands strongly dislike this particular type of wildlife. Just like all wildlife, though, rattlesnakes have their place in the ecosystem. Next question: who likes rats? Who likes disease? Controlling pest populations is an important ecosystem service provided by rattlesnakes. Small mammals are the #1 prey of rattlesnakes, so rattlesnakes keep rodent populations in check which in turn can reduce the spread of zoonotic diseases carried by rodents. Unlike other venomous snakes, rattlesnakes will often alert… Read More →